We offer services within design, production
and assembly of steel structures
Modern Machine Park located in our plant in Kielce includes: cranes, burners, cutting devices, CNC machines, drills, robot for cutting and firing, welding machines, devices for precise treatment and other devices necessary in the steel structures production process. We also have a blast room, paint shop and metalization chamber.
Our steel structures will be perfect during construction:
- Manufacturing and processing plants
- Halls, warehouses, shopping and logistics centres
- Bridges, viaducts and footbridges
- Public utilities
- Infrastructure and hydroengineering
- Sports facilities
- Aviation facilities
mln PLN
annual production
the number
of employees
Our projects

Our Liability
As a company acting in accordance with the principles of sustainable growth, we work on harmonization of economic, ecological and social requirements. Not only we take responsibility for all our activities but also we act responsibly towards our employees and society.

We strive to achieve the highest Quality standards
All our products and services meet the highest quality standards. In order to constantly provide these standards, we have introduced an integrated quality management system in the field of production and assembly of steel structures and mechanical processing of metal elements in accordance with DEKRA standards.

We ensure our Employees’ safety
The safety of our employees is our top priority. We strive to make our work every day even safer. Therefore, all safety measures at work are constantly checked and still developed.

We create a good work atmosphere
We attach great importance not only to safety, but also to relationships with our employees. Common operation of the company is based on mutual respect and appreciation of each person.

We follow the rules of fair business practices
Trust and mutual respect are important elements of effective cooperation. Therefore, we are committed to fair business relationships - with all our clients, suppliers and competitors.

We protect the natural environment
Responsible approach to the nature is obvious for us. All actions are checked for their ecological effects. These efforts are based on compliance with the regulations concerning the environmental protection.

Bicycle garage in Sweden
The construction of a bicycle garage in Sweden began in September 2019. Within the scope of work, Exbud Konstrukcje Sp. z o.o. executed, delivered and assembled the steel structure of the building, including stairs, railings, as well as trapezoidal sheet and perforated facade sheet. The assembly was divided into four stages, where the steel structure was assembled alternately with reinforced concrete works. The works were completed in April 2020.

XL-TAPE-INTERNATIONAL Storage hall in Kielce
The steel structure assembly of the 2000m2 storage hall is coming to the end.The Purchaser: XL-TAPE-INTERNATIONAL Ltd. in KielceStructure weight: about 100 tonnesTime of realization (including designing, production and assembly): 7 weeks from the time of receiving an order.We would like to thank all involved for a good business.

Extention of Warehouse for Tubądzin Management Group Ltd.
Tubądzin Management Group Ltd. is building a new automated high storage

Extention of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce is extending its Faculty of